Take control of your anxiety using the Three R's!


During unprecedented times such as the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), our family, friends, and communities need the proper and transparent care they deserve. Dr. Krishnaswami, an academic medical associate specializing in controlling common symptoms of anxiety, discusses the best tips and tricks including the Three R’s (Recognize, Regroup, Redirect). This type of high-quality medical support and safety will help in combating and coping with signs of stress, hopelessness, anxiety, etc.

The purpose and mission of the three R’s are to control your anxiety, not the other way around. Retrain your brain back to its normal state of control is possible. Since many of our frustrations come from our minds or thinking, we must retrain the way we act when we feel moods of high stress.

The Three R’s

Even if you are working at home or in an office several factors may contribute to minor or severe anxieties. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to control and overcome your mental conditions with the help of evidence-based strategies that you can take and are easy to understand, treat, and conquer.

  1. Recognize

To recognize anxiety means knowing and understanding completely how your stresses and body manipulate your actions and cause you to manifest negative thoughts. Every single individual is different, so everyone's case can be approached uniquely. However, once you know the symptoms are apparent and you recognize it immediately you have the upper hand.

The most common signs to recognize anxiety or stress include:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Tensions in stomach
  • Tightness in jaw
  • Shortness of breath
  • Restless shaking in hands or legs

Recognizing your symptoms is critical in coping long-term because knowing early on will prevent complications from happening later.

  1. Regroup

In this step, the focus is to not spiral your anxieties and stress out of control, but rather take a step back, regroup, and stop all negative spiraling thoughts. Instead, remember what you recognized in the initial symptoms you experienced, for example if your jaw is tight, then you know this is just a temporary discomfort and the best thing you can do for yourself is pause. In fact, research shows stopping, pausing, and gathering yourself together can retrain your brain to prevent panic symptoms.

Additionally, negative responses and stresses are normal, but mentally thinking and approaching it differently will ultimately help you cope with your condition much more easily.

  1. Redirect

The third step is the most important to remember. It means creating a safe space within yourself whether that be an activity or phrase that you do or tell yourself every day to get you through those negative reactions. When you consistently teach your brain to learn and respond to symptoms like this, you can train your symptoms of panic into symptoms of motivation and more positive attributes to keep you less stressed out as much as possible.

A few ways to redirect negative thoughts include:

  • Taking deep breaths
  • Drinking a tall glass of water
  • Positive self-talking

The more you practice the three R’s and recognize your triggers of anxiety, the easier it will become to cope with it. Thinking more positively will only help you to become relaxed and calm in both your physical and mental state.

If you need additional help or resources and still are having trouble with feelings of stress or anxiety, contact the experienced, compassionate team at Academic Medical Associates for a consultation. We can help find solutions and comprehensive strategies to help you cope with your condition.

Dr. Krishnaswami explains how to Recognize, Regroup, and Redirect so your anxiety is no longer in control.
